Discover the night sky in a completely new way and experience a digitally enhanced world. We’ve reworked Universe2go and adapted it to the new technological age to give you an even better experience. The big plus points are: increased accuracy, suitability for modern smartphones, and new menu navigation. It’s more than an astronomy device. It’s your personal gateway to the stars. Explore distant worlds. With Universe2go+.
Download the App, insert your Smartphone and get started
Universe2go + is a completely newly-developed star viewer that show you the starry sky using the associated app. Simply download the free app from the App Store and insert your smartphone into your star viewer.
And when the stars reveal themselves in the evening, you can get started: just step go outside and turn your eyes to the sky with Universe2go+. And you’ll find all the constellations, planets or deep sky objects you could ever wish to see. You will find yourself strolling through outer space with full orientation, as if you had been doing it all your life.
What’s in store with the Universe2go+
A hand-held planetarium: Get to know the starry sky, just as if you had a personal astronomer to explain everything
Augmented reality: Digital information combined with the image of the real night sky
Learn all 88 constellations in the sky
Where are the planets? With Universe2go you will find them
Interstellar space: Embark on a journey to numerous galaxies, star clusters and nebulae
Navigation system for the universe: Discover celestial bodies of your choice
Lean back and relax: Listen to more than three hours of audio information about the heavens
Exciting stories: Dive into the old Greek mythology – learn more about Orion, Pegasus and Cassiopeia
Audible facts: Three hours of exciting information to listen to
Universe2go+ not only shows you the starry sky. With more than three hours of audio material you will receive loads of information about constellations, stars, planets and many nebulae and galaxies. Experience the starry sky twice in one go: Visibly and audibly.
Audio excerpt of the swan constellation:
Audio excerpt of the mythological story about the celestial hunter Orion:
Audio excerpt of the Great Orion Nebula:
Menu Navigation: We’ve got it nailed
Menu navigation has been greatly enhanced. It offers all the important functions at a glance and has been improved both in its design and its intuitive use. A simple tap on the back of your smartphone is all you need to access the menu. This means that controlling the planetarium fits seamlessly into your observation routine, without distracting you from the essentials..
Specially edited images: Planets, 150 Deep-Sky objects, comets and satellites
− Audio guide: All 88 constellations, descriptions and mythology, planets, 120 Deep-Sky objects, satellites and 30 of the brightest stars – more than 3 hours in total!
Increased precision when observing
Universe2go+ is now even more precise and intelligent. Thanks to its complementary plate-solving technology, your mobile planetarium offers unprecedented star recognition accuracy. The smartphone camera synchronises the position of the stars with the internal database. A powerful feature that goes far beyond the expectations of ordinary AR glasses. This promises you an even more impressive experience through the fusion of real stars with digital information
Developed by enthusiastic hobby astronomers
Universe2go+ has been developed with plenty of love and attention to detail and is “made in Germany”. The core of Universe2go+ is the software, which will be developed further, in order to provide the best experience to its users – so look forward to learning about the functions and content added in the future.